biodegradable bowls and plates replace single-use plastic products

May 11 2022   

Important signal! The Secretary-General of the United Nations issues an important appeal! People's Daily pointed out that the promotion of disposable tableware rectification!

biodegradable bowls and plates replace single-use plastic products

UN Secretary-General António Guterres delivered a video speech on Earth Day, calling on the international community to actively address the triple crises facing the planet, including climate damage, loss of nature and biodiversity, and environmental pollution and waste.

On April 26, 2022, the People's Daily published a report titled "Low-Carbon Life, You Have Me" in the Ecology Edition. The report pointed out that a market basis should be provided for biodegradable paper plates and cutlery.

biodegradable bowls and plates replace single-use plastic products

Another statistics show that in 2020, China's takeaway market will generate 17 billion orders, and each order requires an average of 3.44 lunch boxes, of which plastic lunch boxes account for nearly 70%. In addition, about 90% of orders require the use of plastic bags. The takeaway industry is undoubtedly one of the main demanders of plastic packaging, and the problem of plastic pollution in takeaway packaging also follows. Studies have shown that in 2020, China's food delivery industry will generate a total of 1.6 million tons of plastic waste. This number is terrifying.


According to data released by the Royal Statistical Society of the United Kingdom, the proportion of plastic waste that has not been recycled in the world is as high as 90.5%. In such a huge amount of plastic waste, only 9% are recycled and only 12% are incinerated. Most of the remaining plastics will be landfilled on land or flow into the ocean, and it will take up to 400-500 years to degrade before they become substances that are harmless to nature and biological chains.

Important signal! The Secretary-General of the United Nations issues an important appeal! People's Daily pointed out that the promotion of disposable tableware rectification!

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